About me

I am Caspar Koolstra, a musician, musical leader, and educator. In the summer of 2020, I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Music Education from the Conservatorium van Amsterdam. During the final year of my bachelor's program, I became interested in community arts: art projects in which the community (or a specific one) plays a central role. In collaboration with the organization Sounds of Change, I designed a method to train music workshop leaders in conflict zones in the Middle East as part of my graduation project. After completing my bachelor's degree, I pursued a Master's degree in Musical Leadership, a project-based program focusing on community music at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam. During the master's program, I conducted research on democracy in art and explored how democratic principles in community arts projects can contribute to achieving socio-cultural goals.

Fascinated by intercultural encounters in music, I experimented with democratic principles in the creative process of culturally diverse ensembles. I collaborated with Zid Theater on a program where newcomers and migrants with a creative background participate in training sessions and projects aimed at gaining more integration and paid work opportunities in the cultural sector in the Netherlands.

Additionally, I write, arrange, and produce songs with groups such as Koolstrae and Steelstreet.

Wij bleven – Eindconcert master musical leadership (april 2022)

Foto van Caspar Koolstra
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